Extreme impact and resistance tests A-Flex bollards

A-Flex bollards impact test at 80km/h.

Extreme impact and resistance test A-Flex bollards

A-Flex bollards impact and resistance tests performed with an 18 tons loader.

Extreme impact and resistance tests A-Flex B bollards

Impact test high resistance flexible A-Flex B bollard with plate.

Extreme impact and resistance test A-Eco bollards

Demonstration video of impacts on A-Resist Eco bollards. Limited flexibility bollards until 40° without any distortion.

Extreme impact and resistance tests steamroller against A-Flex 

Extreme resistance test of flexible A-Flex bollards. A steamroller of 7.5 tons crushes the bollard countless times and it returns to its initial shape and position.

Extreme impact and resistance tests A-Flex DT bollards

Impact resistance test on green A-Flex DT bollards. After various impacts, the bollard returns to its initial shape and position.